Reason for creating Medigap Plan G vs. Medicare Advantage Plan web page

Several years back, I  became interested in Medicare policy issues. This included the comparison of the cost to the government of Medicare Advantage plans vs. an approach using traditional Medicare with a Medicare Supplement plan. In order to truly evaluate this issue, it was necessary to learn and understand what these plans offered.

My wife started telling some friends that I had become knowledgeable in this area and this led to friends asking about the Medicare options when turning 65 years old. I decided to put this information on the web to make it more generally available.

This was particularly the case, given that much of the information on the web by medical insurance companies leads new enrollees to being initially evaluated by the companies’ Medicare Advantage division. The financial incentives are such, that an insurance company will make the most money from an enrollee who is in good health that enrolls into the private insurance company’s Medicare Advantage plan. This tends to slant the information the public is provided. See Medicare Advantage Plans Cherry-Pick Patients.